Min nästa roll: The Joker
Inget prat om swastikor. Eller nåd.
Inget prat om swastikor. Eller nåd.
Min nästa roll: The Joker
Undra om Heath Ledger fick dödsstraff? Man får inte hata kvinnor som skådespelare.
Re: Min nästa roll: The Joker
Vill berätta att jag ska flytta alla poster till JS-enabled forumet så fort jag kommit lite längre i min kod. Judisk kodare, Judisk skådespelare.
Re: Min nästa roll: The Joker
You'd just hope that Annika is loving justice.
Re: Min nästa roll: The Joker
I've been practicing acting for The Joker. Kinda happy Annika does that. I will see what kind of job I'll get, practicing the Joker. Maybe someone will open their eyes for me. Do you talk emotions as an actor? Should never have mentioned Dramaten. But with my experience, I'd be perfect for something like that. My feelings right now: Unfair and unjust to yell at me, when I've never killed anyone. I'm innocent of murder, and I have done no crimes at all. I'm popular and sexy.